Adjusting Clutch cables may sound easy but more often times than not intuition guides us in the wrong direction in this area.
We all like our bikes to be tight, sharp and smooth. We want action as soon as we touch the brake pedal or lever and we want a "blast off" effect when we crack the throttle but should we have the same responsive feel with our clutch cable? The answer is NO!
Clutch plate, friction disc and clutch springs
if you have your clutch cable so tight that it immediately disengages the clutch you are not letting your clutch springs do their job, which is to squish the clutch plates and friction discs together with all there might. Give em some slack jack! By loosening your clutch cable you allow the tension to be where it should, in the clutch pack and not on the cable itself.
The easiest way to adjust this is by turning the bolt attached to the clutch lever itself. Turn it in to give it some slack, the clutch should stop pulling the lever BEFORE it is extended all the way out. There is usually another area for adjustment near the opposite end of the clutch cable, before it goes into the engine block or before it reaches the clutch arm.